Amsterdam ArenA signs contract for new hybrid system

Six months after installing a hybrid pitch, Amsterdam ArenA will continue their cooperation with FieldTurf by choosing PlayMaster, the new lay&play system by Tarkett Sports. FieldTurf Benelux will install the hybrid surface.

Since July 2016, Amsterdam ArenA has been teaming up with FieldTurf Benelux for the use of hybrid turf. This successful cooperation will now be prolonged by installing PlayMaster for the upcoming season. The new Hybrid Lay & Play system guarantees an optimal balance between natural and artificial grass and ensures a fast installation and instant playability. After growing the hybrid grass sods at specialist turf farms, the ready-to-play turf rolls will be installed in the stadium.

Amsterdam ArenA and FieldTurf Benelux joined forces to select de Enk Groen & Golf for the maintenance of the pitch. After each game the technical staff of AFC Ajax will provide feedback on the quality of the field to the maintenance team. With this feedback the team can regulate the maintenance plan in order to provide the highest possible quality.

Environmental measures are also high on the agenda of the involved parties. The aim is to reduce the use of fossil fuels to zero as well as cut the usage of raw materials by half over the next few years. For this, irrigation water will be reused. The condition of the turf will always be the top priority. “With PlayMaster AFC Ajax will have a perfect pitch throughout the season” FieldTurf promises. (Stadiaworld 24.02.2017)

Homepage: FieldTurf




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