New control unit provides great results

Heating Solutions International (HSI), a partner of the European Turf Group, presents the first operational consumption data of their innovative outdoor heating System. Since the end of December 2013, the results of the new control unit technology is practical.

Last year, HSI has built four football pitches in Norway (about 110x75 meters: 8250 square meters) equipped with this technology. The theoretical peak power applied for these fields is 300 kilowatt, designed to provide heating to four zones.

In practice, it now appears that the maximum power is very spacious. The first experiences in early December 2013: it was freezing 8 degrees in Norway and a lot of snow felt. It turns out that in this period the installation consumes at the peak around 120 kilowatt. That´s 14,5 watts per square meter. The system is keeping the pitch frost-free between 2 and 4 degrees at -8 C environment temperature. (Stadiaworld, 19.02.2014)

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