“Built for the people”

Interview with Patrick Talty, General Manager for SMG of U.S. Bank Stadium, about the first 1.5 years of operation and future challenges for the high-class stadium in Minneapolis which will host Super Bowl LII on February 4th.

Patrick Talty
Picture: SMG & U.S. Bank Stadium

Stadiaworld: What makes the Fan Experience in the U.S. Bank Stadium a special one?
Talty: The fan experience at U.S. Bank Stadium is special because everything in the venue has been created with the fan in mind, including both the facility design and the operational plan. The architecture of the facility includes the ETFE roof structure, which provides the look and feel of the outdoors with a controlled climate. The operational plans are focused around a program called “SKOL Service” which trains all staff to provide excellence in customer service. These elements, among many others, provide the wow-factor for our guests for all events.

Stadiaworld: Nearly 1.5 years after opening the U.S. Bank Stadium, what are your conclusions?
Talty: This facility is busier than most NFL facilities and that is something that we take a lot of pride in. It was built for the people of Minnesota to enjoy and we feel this venue has lived up to the spirit of those intentions. In our first year we hosted over 600 diverse events. We’re working through mega-events including the X Games, Super Bowl LII, and planning for the NCAA Men’s Final Four and Wrestling Championships. These opportunities allow the world to see the great work that is done here. I have an unbelievable staff who has made the success of the facility a reality and we’re looking forward to many more great years.

“Over 600 diverse events”

Stadiaworld: What has been the most challenging aspects in regard of transfering the theoretical concept of operation into the operation?
Talty: The most challenging aspects of operating a new facility come in the changeover between events. The volume of events we host is very high, so the turnaround time between the events can be tight and present challenges to our staff. Our facility design is complex, so moving from full stadium events to club events can be challenging for equipment.

More insights and details can be found inside our international yearbook SPORTS VENUES 2018. The issue can be read free of cost online or be ordered via our shop as printed version.

Stadiaworld: What operational adjustments or technical modifications had to be done? And what investments are planned?
Talty: In the infancy of any entertainment venue, the operator will find areas to improve the operation and physical structure of the facility. We’re consistently looking at operational updates in all areas including housekeeping, food and beverage, security, and retail. Our team is currently working on facility’s capital planning for year two. We have already invested in additional back-of-house storage, updated wayfinding signage throughout the stadium and have expanded the Distributed Antenna System (DAS).

Stadiaworld: Sustainability is one key factor of the U.S. Bank Stadium. Did the stadium meet the expectations in that manner? What numbers can you tell in regard of energy and water savings?
Talty: Sustainability has been a focus of this facility since the early design stages and it is has been our team’s goal to continue that focus into the operation of the venue. On November 20, 2017, U.S. Bank Stadium was certified Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold by the U.S. Green Building Council. We are currently working toward hosting a zero-waste Super Bowl and continuing a zero-waste operation for all events following Super Bowl LII.

Stadiaworld: What future challenges do you see in operating a sports venue in general? How do you prepare for those developments?
Talty: The rapidly changing landscape of technology and security are always going to keep venues on their toes. Our team focuses on staying current with technology advancements and security protocols to ensure we’re displaying up-to-date best practices. We’re consistently learning new techniques and evaluating our procedures to provide the best experiences in the business.

Stadiaworld: How are the preparations for Super Bowl LII going on? What will be special for you and for the visitors?
Talty: Planning for Super Bowl LII is well underway and going well. We are the first cold-weather Super Bowl in several years, which always brings new challenges to the planning. Super Bowl LII is the first Super Bowl in 26 years in Minnesota, so there’s a great amount of excitement for this community to be the host of such a well-recognized event. We’re looking forward to the opportunity to showcase U.S. Bank Stadium and the State of Minnesota on the world’s stage. (Stadiaworld, 04.02.2018)

An overview over all stadium projects worldwide can be found in our Construction Report.