Personalization Systems for Table Tennis Highlights

In 2017, Pe2M GmbH is supplying three major table tennis events with 2XL printers, XXL cards, accreditation software and consumables. The areas where the XXL cards are used are very diverse.Pe2M has signed a frame agreement with the Tischtennis Marketing GmbH (TMG) from Karben and the German Tischtennisbund eV (DTTB) for the delivery of 2XL printers, XXL cards, accreditation software and consumables for three major events this year: The Liebherr Table Tennis World Cup and the Seamaster 2017 German Open (as part of the ITTF World Tour). During the German Championships in Bamberg in March this year, the XXL cards were successfully used for the first time.

The Liebherr Tischtennis World Cup, which takes place from 29 May to 5 June in Düsseldorf, is one of the largest indoor events in Düsseldorf. The preparations are currently running on high tranches. Currently, the Deutsche Tischtennisbund, Tischtennis Marketing GmbH and Pe2M are creating nearly 5.000 accreditations. The cards allow access to the different areas of the event. They are used for catering and are also valid as a ticket for the Rhein-Ruhr public transport network. The table tennis season will be rounded off next November with the Seamaster 2017 German Open in Magdeburg.

„We are very pleased with these new projects, where our XXL solutions make a valuable contribution to the smooth running of the event,“ says Marina Puseljic, Managing Director of Pe2M GmbH, which exclusively distributes the Ciaat-based 2X super-format printers.

Homepage: Pe2M GmbH




Pe2M GmbH
Bahnstr. 29-31
40878 Ratingen