Swiss company provides overlay services for sport event

The swiss company NUSSLI, a globally operating provider of temporary event infrastructures, was commissioned by the Organising Committee Commonwealth Games 2010 Delhi with the realization of the overlay services at six venues (Cluster II and IV).

The Commonwealth Games is an international sports event held every four years, where the best athletes from the countries of the Commonwealth of Nations compete in various sports disciplines. After the Asian Games held in the years 1951 and 1982, this year´s Commonwealth Games is just the third largest sports venue to be held in India. NUSSLI has been commissioned with diverse overlay services for the competitions to be held in New Delhi, India from October 3 - 14, 2010.

NUSSLI is qualified for the job due to their expertise as a globally operating provider for temporary event structures for major events in the sports and cultural sectors. The event contractor signed a contract with the Organising Committee Commonwealth Games 2010 Delhi for the planning, delivery, and installation along with the maintenance and removal of the temporary event infrastructures. The contract comprises the complete overlay services like, for example, tents, containers, portacabins, and grandstands at six different venues. NUSSLI will thereby extend existing sports facilities temporarily as well as newly construct complete sporting facilities for a temporary period.

The realization of the project is a milestone in the history of NUSSLI. It is the first time that the company will work for the Commonwealth Games and it is also the first project in India. "We are proud to be able to work for the Commonwealth Games for the first time this year", comments Christian Künzli, Head of Division Events at NUSSLI, in regard to the contract signing. "In addition to our engagement for Olympic Games and World Championships, we can thereby continue our tradition as a partner for event infrastructures for major sports events". For the realization of the overlay services NUSSLI employs a project management team which consists of a staff of 50. Half of the team has been recruited locally in India. About 25 experienced staff members have been sent to India from NUSSLI locations in Switzerland and Germany. (Stadiaworld, 14.10.2010)

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